Wednesday, May 4, 2011

never mind the dust

didn't like comment system, broke it, now fixing

Another fancy test post!

Hooray! This is a second test post for purposes of checking stuff and things.

Look, an internal link!

Test post!

This is a highly experimental test post used to check the technical capabilities of [blardy blah] before I ruin the real Pervocracy!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

never mind the dust

didn't like comment system, broke it, now fixing

Another fancy test post!

Hooray! This is a second test post for purposes of checking stuff and things.

Look, an internal link!

Test post!

This is a highly experimental test post used to check the technical capabilities of [blardy blah] before I ruin the real Pervocracy!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

never mind the dust

didn't like comment system, broke it, now fixing

Another fancy test post!

Hooray! This is a second test post for purposes of checking stuff and things.

Look, an internal link!

Test post!

This is a highly experimental test post used to check the technical capabilities of [blardy blah] before I ruin the real Pervocracy!